Sibling Sign Up
When: April 20th, 9:00 am - 11:00 am*
Where: VRHS Tennis Courts
Cost: $35
What to bring: tennis racket**, tennis shoes, water bottle
Sign up deadline: April 4th***
​This registration is open only to VRHS Tennis Team siblings in grades Kinder through 8th grade. Participants will be introduced to tennis essentials by members of the VRHS Tennis Team! Snacks will be provided and all kids will receive a VRHS Tennis t-shirt.
*If it rains, we will reschedule for April 27th. We will contact you using the Parent Email that you provide during registration.
**We will have extra rackets on hand to loan out and will do our best to provide the appropriate size for your child. Some children may have to share a loaner.
***The April 4th deadline is to guarantee that your child gets a t-shirt in their requested size. Registration will remain open after the 4th, but we will not be able to guarantee that your child gets a t-shirt.
Use the form below to register and pay.